On November 10, 1975, the General Assembly of United Nations passed Resolution 3379, which declared …
American History
History of American Presidential Elections, 1789-2008
For more than 200 years, candidates have campaigned for the highest office in the land, …
See How They Ran: The Changing Role of the Presidential Candidate
See How They Ran explores why candidates campaign as they do, why Americans complain about it, …
Living in the Eighties – Viewpoints on American Culture
Some see the 1980s as a Golden Age, a “Morning in America” when Ronald Reagan …
Mr. and Mrs. President: From the Trumans to the Clintons
It began with Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt. It accelerated with Jack and Jackie Kennedy. Lady …
Hillary Rodham Clinton: Polarizing First Lady
For most first ladies, their years in the White House are their sole claim to …
Leading from the Center: Why Moderates Make the Best Presidents
George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy-most would agree their …
Morning in America: How Ronald Reagan Invented the 1980s
Did America’s fortieth president lead a conservative counterrevolution that left liberalism gasping for air? The …
The Reagan Revolution: A Very Short Introduction
“They called it the Reagan revolution,” Ronald Reagan noted in his Farewell Address. “Well, I’ll …
The Age of Clinton: America in the 1990s
The 1990s was a decade of extreme change. Shifts in culture, politics, and technology radically …